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【来源: | 发布日期:2018-02-06 】














提出并论证了基于环境友好型低成本石墨烯制备技术。该成果刊登在国际TOP期刊Chemical Engineering Journal。其中部分成果选作该期刊的封面,同时受邀出席国际会议大会并致大会报告。提出纳米晶钨铜合金具有分散电弧的特征,同时在钨铜合金中添加石墨烯,并探讨石墨烯的作用机制。该成果分别发表在Journal ofAlloy andCompounds期刊和Scientific Reports 期刊。


在Chemical Engineering Journal、Materials & Design、Polymers、Journal of alloys and compounds、Materials Letters 、Journal of Materials Science & Technology、Journal of Materials Processing Technology、稀有金属材料与工程、材料热处理学报、稀有金属等国内外著名刊物上发表学术论文150余篇,其中60余篇被SCI、EI收录;以第一作者申请国家专利38项,已获得国家授权的发明专利25项,实用新型专利2项;是《中国有色金属学报》、《功能材料》、《表面技术》、《粉末冶金技术》、《Journal of alloys and compounds》、《Materials Research Express》等期刊以及国家自然科学基金项目的评审专家。主持或参与国家、省、市、企业各类项目几十项;曾获得国家科技进步二等奖、西安市科技进步三等奖各一项。作为主编出版“十二五”规划教材《粉末冶金工艺及材料》,分别获陕西省和中国冶金教育协会优秀教材一等奖,出版“十三五”规划教材《无损检测原理及技术》和《大学生生产实习教程—材料类用》。

1、A novel fabrication of graphene by chemical reaction with a green reductant,Chemical Engineering Journal,2016, 306: 754-762. WOS:000386420700082

2、Metallurgical process analysis and microstructure characterization of the bonding interface of QA19-4 aluminum bronze and 304 stainless steel composite materials,Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2016, 238: 325-332. WOS:000397550800007

3、Evolution mechanism of surface nano-crystallization of tungsten-copper alloys,Materials Letters, 2016, 176: 181-184. WOS:000375852800046

4、Investigation and analysis of arc ablation on WCu electrical contact materials,J Mater Sci: Mater Electron, 2016, 27: 5584-5591. WOS:000377898000011

5、W–Cu system: synthesis, modification, and applications,Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics, 2017, 56(4):171-184.

6、Microstructure and properties characterization of tungsten copper composite materials doped with graphene,Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017,695:1637~1646. WOS:000391817600205

7、Investigation on arc erosion behaviors and mechanism of W70Cu 30 electrical contact materials adding graphene,Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017,696:923~930 ,WOS:000391819800122

8、Characterization of W80Cu20 alloy sheet prepared by hot-rolling. Rare metals, 2013, 32(6):569-573.WOS:000329099900007

9、钨铜合金表面纳米化及其性能分析,稀有金属材料与工程,2015, 44(12):3188-3191. WOS:000367768800051

10、热轧W80Cu20合金的织构演变分析,稀有金属材料与工程,2014, 43(9):2192-2196. WOS:000342887700029

11、Enhancing copper infiltration into alumina using spark plasma sintering to achieve high performance Al2O3/Cu composites,Ceramics international,2018,1(44):57~64

12、Synergistic enhancing effect for mechanical and electrical properties of tungsten copper composites using spark plasma infiltrating sintering of copper-coated graphene,Scientific reports,2017(7):17836

13、Experimental and theoretical analysis of microstructural evolution and deformation behaviors of CuW composites during equal channel angular pressing,Materials & design,2018,15(142)166~176

14、Interfacial structures and mechanisms for strengthening and enhanced conductivity of graphene/epoxy nanocomposites,Polymer, 2019,163:171~177

15、Electroless carbon fibers: A new route for improving mechanical property and wettability of composites, Surface & Coatings Technology, 2019,358:409~415

16、W-Cu composites reinforced by copper coated graphene prepared using infiltration sintering and spark plasma sintering: A comparative stud, International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials, 2019,82;91~99

17、Formation Mechanism and Cohesive Energy Analysis of Metal-Coated Graphene Nanocomposites Using In-Situ Co-Reduction Method,Materials,2018,11,2071