[1]Qiaoling Chu*, Qilu Cao, Min Zhang, Jianming Zheng, Pengkang Zhao, Fuxue Yan, Peng Cheng, Cheng Yan, Hailong Luo. Microstructure and mechanical properties investigation of explosively welded titanium/copper/steel trimetallic plate[J]. Materials Characterization, 192 (2022): 112250
[2]Qiaoling Chu*, Yi Li, Qilu Cao, Min Zhang**, Pengkang Zhao, Fuxue Yan, Hailong Luo, Xudong Wang, Cheng Yan.Microstructure and mechanical properties of Cu/steel dissimilar joints[J]. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping;200(2022):104828.
[3]Qiaoling Chu*, Qilu Cao, Xiaofei Zhu, Min Zhang, Zhengwang Zhu, Haifeng Zhang, Ruixiang Bai, Zhenkun Lei, Peng Cheng, Cheng Yan. Fracture behavior and deformation-induced structure changes of a Ti-based metallic glass using micro-sized cantilevers[J]. Materials Science and Engineering A 833(2022)142519.
[4]Qiaoling Chu*, Tuo Xia, Pengkang Zhao, Min Zhang, Jianming Zheng, Fuxue Yan, Peng Cheng, Cheng Yan, Chuan Liu, Hailong Luo. Interfacial investigation of explosion-welded Al/steel plate: The microstructure, mechanical properties and residual stresses[J]. Materials Science and Engineering A 833(2022) 142525.
[5]Qiaoling Chu*, Yi Li, Qilu Cao, Min Zhang, Jihong Li, Pengkang Zhao, Fuxue Yan, Hailong Luo, Xudong Wang, Cheng Yan. Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ti/Cu/Fe Dissimilar Joints[J]. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 32 (2023): 4846-4859.
[6]Qiaoling Chu*, Tuo Xia, Lin Zhang, Pengkang Zhao, Min Zhang, Jianming Zheng, Fuxue Yan, Peng Cheng, Cheng Yan. Structure-Property Correlation in Weld Metals and Interface Regions of Titanium/Steel Dissimilar Joints[J]. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 31 (2022): 6509-6522.
[7]Qiaoling Chu*, Tuo Xia, Lin Zhang, Pengkang Zhao, Min Zhang, Jianming Zheng, Fuxue Yan, Peng Cheng, Cheng Yan. Interfacial microstructure and mechanical properties of titanium/steel dissimilar joining[J]. Materials Letters 307(2022) 131069.
[8]Qiaoling Chu*, Lin Zhang, Tuo Xia, Peng Cheng, Jianming Zheng, Min Zhang, Jihong Li, Fuxue Yan, Cheng Yan. Microstructure and fracture toughness of Fe-Nb dissimilar welded joints[J]. Metals 11 (86) (2021).
[9]Qiaoling Chu*, Shuai Xu, Xiongwei Tong,Jie Li, Min Zhang, Fuxue Yan, Wanpeng Zhang, Zongyue Bi, Cheng Yan. Comparative study of microstructure and mechanical properties of X80 SAW welds prepared using different wires and heat inputs[J].Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 29 (7) (2020) 4322-4338.
[10]Qiaoling Chu*, Xiongwei Tong, Shuai Xu, Min Zhang, Fuxue Yan, Peng Cheng, Cheng Yan. The formation of intermetallics in Ti/steel dissimilar joints welded by Cu-Nb composite filler[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 828 (2020) 154389.
[11]Qiaoling Chu*, Xiongwei Tong, Shuai Xu, Min Zhang, Jihong Li, Fuxue Yan, Cheng Yan. Interfacial Investigation of Explosion-Welded Titanium/Steel Bimetallic Plates[J].Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 29 (1) (2020) 78-86.
[12]Qiaoling Chu*, Shuai Xu, Xiaofei Zhu, Zhengwang Zhu, Haifeng Zhang, Ruixiang Bai, Zhenkun Lei, Cheng Yan. Effect of testing conditions on the deformation behaviour of a Ti-based bulk metallic glass[J]. Materials Science & Engineering A 766 (2019) 138404.
[13]Qiaoling Chu*, Min Zhang, Jihong Li, Fuxue Yan, Cheng Yan. Nanoindentation investigation of Ti/Fe bimetallicplatewelded by vanadium filler[J]. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A50(5) (2019) 2302-2309.
[14]Qiaoling Chu*, Jie Li, Xiongwei Tong, Shuai Xu, Min Zhang, Cheng Yan. Nanoindentation and microstructure analysis of Ti/Fe dissimilar joint[J]. Materials Letters 238 (2019) 98-101.
[15]Qiaoling Chu*, Min Zhang, Jihong Li, Fuxue Yan, Cheng Yan. Effect of Cu on microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of Fe-Nb dissimilar welds[J]. Materials Letters 234 (2019) 113-116.
[16]Qiaoling Chu*, Min Zhang, Jihong Li, Fuxue Yan, Cheng Yan. Investigation of microstructure and fracture toughness of Fe-Zr welded joints[J]. Materials Letters 231 (2018) 134-136.
[17]Qiaoling Chu*, Min Zhang, Jihong Li, Ning Hu, Cheng Yan. Investigation of microstructure and mechanical properties of Fe-V dissimilar welds[J]. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2018,49(11): 5402-5410.
[18]Qiaoling Chu*,Ruixiang Bai,Haigen Jian,Zhenkun Lei,Ning Hu,Cheng Yan.Microstructure,texture and mechanical properties of 6061 aluminum laser beam welded joints[J].Materials Characterization137 (2018) 269-276.
[19]Qiaoling Chu*,Ruixiang Bai,Min Zhang,etal.Microstructure and mechanical properties of titanium/steel bimetallic joints[J].Materials Characterization132 (2017)330-337.
[20]Qiaoling Chu*,Min Zhang,Jihong Li,Cheng Yan.Experimental and numerical investigation of microstructure and mechanical behavior of titanium/steel interfaces prepared by explosive welding[J].Materials Science and Engineering A689 (2017)323-331.
[21]Qiaoling Chu*,Min Zhang,Jihong Li,Cheng Yan,Zhanling Qin.Influence of vanadium filler on the properties of titanium and steel TIG welded joints[J].Journal of Materials Processing Technology240 (2017) 293-304.
[22]Qiaoling Chu*,Min Zhang,Jihong Li,Qingyang Fan,Weiwei,Zongyue Bi.Intermetallics in explosion-bonded CP-Ti/X65 bimetallic sheets filled with Cu-based flux-cored wires[J].Materials and Design90 (2016) 299-306.
[23]Qiaoling Chu*,Min Zhang,Jihong Li,et al.Joining of CP-Ti/Q345 sheets by Cu-based filler metal and effect on interface[J].Journal of Materials Processing Technology225 (2015) 67-76.
[24]Qiaoling Chu*,Min Zhang,Jihong Li,et al.Experimental investigation of explosion-welded CP-Ti/Q345 bimetallic sheet filled with Cu/V based flux-cored wire[J].Materials and Design67 (2015) 606-614.
[25]Qiaoling Chu*,Min Zhang,Jihong Li,et al.Failure analysis of a steam pipe weld used in power generation plant[J]. Engineering Failure Analysis44 (2014) 363-370.
[26] Min Zhang,Qiaoling Chu*,Jihong Li,Weigang Wu,Wenjing Fan,Hailong Luo,Jinhua Zhi,Yuanyuan Hui.Failure analysis of a welded impeller in coke oven gas environment[J].Engineering Failure Analysis38 (2014) 16-24.
[27]Qiaoling Chu*,Min Zhang,Jihong Li.Failure analysis of impeller made of FV520B martensitic precipitated hardening stainless steel[J].Engineering Failure Analysis 34 (2013) 501-510.
[29]矿用刮板 CMT 梯度堆焊层及制备方法CN202210378602.5